
GoK Tool Plugins User Manual Developers


The corpus analysis software under development for this project is available as a Java WebStart tool. This software connects a modnlp-based concordance browser to the most recent update of the Genealogies corpus. You can start the tool by clicking on this button:

Start GoK Tool

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you install the latest version of Java.

Additionally, the software code and plugins are available for download at :

Note: The first time that you download and attempt to launch the software, you may receive a system security warning. Instructions on how to resolve this are provided below:

Given that Modnlp and these plugins are still under construction and as such are frequently updated, it is recommended that users regularly delete all existing versions of the software from their workstation and re-download the browser from this page. This will ensure that you continue to work with the latest version of the software available as the project evolves.

Should you encounter any software bugs or other technical problems when using these tools, please create a ticket detailing the nature of the issue on our SourceForge project page:

MODNLP: Modular Suite of NLP Tools

modnlp aims to provide a modular architecture and tools for natural language processing written (mainly) in Java. These tools are being developed in connection with the Genealogies of Knowledge project.

The following modnlp modules are currently available:

This new version of the tools forms the basis of software support for text analysis and visualisation in the Genealogies of Knowledge project.

The modnlp/tec tools have also been used by the European Parliamentary Comparable and Parallel Corpora project (ECPC) coordinated by Dr. Calzada Pérez (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), and by the Translational English Corpus, which has been collected and maintained under Prof Mona Baker’s supervision at the University of Manchester, and made available on the Internet through the Genealogies of Knowledge project website, in a collaboration between The University of Edinburgh and The University of Manchester.

Also available is the documentation of the modnlp suite (for developers).